Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The PickAkin Kata - part two

First, I reverse myself: This is a great kata! Why? Exactly because you can use it to tie so many aspects of programming to it. Here are three which I did not intend to write about - as you might guess when you read the following: My test code is wrong, or bad, or "sub-optimal" - in three ways.

The first, obvious problem is that I exchanged the expected and actual parameters. This is a problem I have had since the times I started using JUNit in the last millenium: Customarily, in languages of C heritage we check for a value as follows:

   if (a != 4) throw ...;

In xUnit, we write

   Assert.AreEqual(4, x);

(unless you like the new .That() style even for such simple assertions). Somewhere deep in my brain, the former seems so deeply ingrained that I need to remind me explicitly all the time to "do it the other way in NUnit". But with everything we need to remind ourselves explicitly of, we are bound to fail; especially under stress - like publishing the code to a blog ;-). I think we can learn an important fact from this - some might call it trivial, I like to call it fundamental:

Every engineering error we human beings can make will be made sooner or later.

I leave it to you to draw conclusions about all sorts of technologies that have more physical forces at work than that simple PickAkin kata.
The second problem with my test code is that it checks for the most important fact last. As long as the test runs green, this is ok. If it runs red when we expect it to run red - before we implement sufficient code to make it green -, this is also ok. But it is cumbersome, at least, if we expect it to run green, and it runs red - i.e., when we are in debugging. Then, a "secondary information" like the ceoList being wrong helps less than the "primary information" that the akin list is wrong.

Last, when we are in debugging, we need readable errors. If we check for the correct akin list by

  CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { "A1", "B2", "A2", 
      "A3", "B3", "A4", "D1", "D2", "B1" }, akinList);

but get a different result from some computed IEnumerable<>, the error message looks about as follows:

  Expected: equivalent to < "A1", "B2", "A2", "A3", "B3", "A4", "D1", "D2", "B1" >
  But was: <System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereArrayIterator`1[System.String]>

You can produce this result e.g. by trivially implementing Pick.Akin(...) as

    akinList = listAReduced = listBReduced = listA.Where(x => x.Equals(x));
Thus, it helps to add .ToList() or .ToArray() to IEnumerable<>s. The trivial code, when checked with

  CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { "A1", "B2", "A2",
      "A3", "B3", "A4", "D1", "D2", "B1" }, akinList.ToList());

completes with the much nicer error message

    Expected: equivalent to < "A1", "B2", "A2", "A3", "B3", "A4", "D1", "D2", "B1" >
    But was:  < "A1", "B1", "A2", "A3", "C1", "D1", "E1", "E2" >

So here is the revised integration test - this time already with an [Ignore] tag because it is not yet time to run it. BTW, in my humble opinion, each and every [Ignore] (and [Explicit]) tag is worth a textual explanation why the respective test is only to be run explicitly, or to be ignored altogether, at this time:

  [Ignore("Acceptance test cannot run for not yet production-ready implementation")]
  public void AcceptanceTestUsingIlkersData() {
    IEnumerable ceoList = new[] {
        "A1", "B1", "A2", "A3", "C1", "D1", "E1", "E2" };
    IEnumerable ctrlList = new[] {
        "F1", "D2", "B2", "B3", "A4" };
    IEnumerable ceoListAfter;
    IEnumerable ctrlListAfter;
    IEnumerable akinList;
    Pick.Akin(ceoList, ctrlList, (a, b) => a[0] == b[0],
        out ceoListAfter, out ctrlListAfter, out akinList);
    CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] {
        "A1", "B2", "A2", "A3", "B3", "A4", 

        "D1", "D2", "B1" }, akinList.ToList());
    CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] {
        "C1", "E1", "E2" },
    CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { "F1" }, 


So long!

Next part: The PickAkin kata - intermezzo


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