Saturday, July 13, 2013

Animate3 - a glimpse of the coming 5007 animation

Here is a short update on my attempt to create an animation of an Austrian 5007 interlocking with Animate3. This picture shows the diagram that will be animated (click on the image opens a larger version):

The following two videos show blocking and unblocking of a Ba block ("Befehlsabgabe"—signal lock from traffic controller to signalman); and unblocking and blocking of an Fa field ("Fahrstraßenauflösung"—points lock at signalbox is locked and then released):

If anyone is interested in the (not too long) scripts and the (large) diagrams necessary for the whole animation, I'll freely share them—just send me an email (see contact page on the right)!

Of course, many more movements are missing where the various levers are reversed. And then, I need to write a narrative to give meaning to all these movements ... Stay tuned (at—but it may take a few weeks until something can be seen there.